Logis M

Logis M is a company that specializes in residential property management.

The search for apartments often takes time. It is not easy to search through all the ad sites to find an apartment that meets your needs (price, location, size, proximity, etc.). Logis M offers you several types of housing, from condos to houses, or even the perfect bachelor apartment. We have several homes that meet your needs. All you have to do is choose the one that suits you.

Logis M offers a wide range of apartments for rent in several cities on the North Shore.

    Logis M

    828-A, rue de Martigny Ouest
    Saint-Jérôme, Quebec J5L 1Z6
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    • Condo ARA

      New rental condo project in Blainville, Laurentians. ARA is a 6-building proj...

    • Condo Vitis

      New apartment project with unlimited internet and cable for rent in the heart of...

    • Condos H2P

      New condos for rent in Laval, in the Vimont sector. Condos H2P is a new six-b...



    Logis M, Saint-Jérôme


    828-A, rue de Martigny Ouest
    Saint-Jérôme, Quebec
    J5L 1Z6

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